Manning Bible Church, Taree - Launch


Apologies for the slight glitch in the video…


After years of prayer and planning, Taree and the Manning Valley has a new church. Manning Bible Church, the newest FIEC church, got underway publicly on March 15. They were able to meet for just one week in person though due to the start of Coronavirus restrictions. Frustrating for them, but Joel & Hannah Hill and the planting team are confident that God will use them to reach Taree with the mighty hope of Jesus, even with restrictions on meeting in place for the moment. Pray that MBC grows and is strengthened as it reaches the local community for Christ and sees lives transformed by him.

Laneway Church Weekend Away


Laneway Church (Footscray, Melbourne) got in just in time before COVID-19 restrictions started with a church weekend away on March 13-15. Al Stewart, the new FIEC National Directory gave talks on the book of Ruth. Al’s wife Kathy was interviewed about surviving being married for almost 40 years. The weekend was timely in building community and new connections - so important for now with the church restricted to meeting online.

Laneway was planted in 2016 by Josh and Sarah Allen with just a small core team. The church is growing as it reaches Footscray for Christ.

The Lakes - Ministry Centre Grand Opening 15 March, 2020


The Lakes at Tuggerah on the NSW Central Coast recently celebrated the Grand Opening of their new ministry centre. They also celebrated 18 years of reaching the community with the gospel of Jesus.

We praise God for the ministry of The Lakes and give thanks for Dave & Ruth Sheath who have served in leadership of the church since it was planted in 2002.

Please pray for The Lakes as they reach the Tuggerah area for Christ.

The Lakes Posted on their Facebook page:
We're so grateful for all the people who braved the threat of rain and a certain virus to join us for our Grand Opening celebration and open day yesterday. During the services we looked back at the history of our church and marvelled at all that God has done for us and through us over the past 18 years. We acknowledged and cheered those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make our ministry centre possible as well as the amazing generosity and prayers of our members. We heard from some of our members who have been with us since the beginning and reflected on the highs and lows that God has brought us through as a church family. 

After the service we spilled outside to enjoy a BBQ lunch together while the kids bounced on the jumping castle, ate sno cones and played games on the grass. Dave gave a short speech, we sang happy birthday to celebrate turning 18 as a church and shared a beautiful cake. All the while we had the team from Rhema CC pumping music in the background and interviewing some of our team about their work and ministries at The Lakes. If you weren't able to make it, check out the pics!

Covid-19 and FIEC

As the Covid-19 situation continues to develop and place limitations on meeting together, FIEC churches around the country are making arrangements to keep their church communities functioning at a time when looking out for each other and caring for the vulnerable and sick is so important. Many churches are now streaming their Sunday gatherings - look for details on each church’s website - and are running small groups over video. FIEC churches will continue to listen to advice from the Government and respond accordingly. We are praying for our nation, not only that this crisis may pass soon, but more so, that people will know Jesus and the hope he brings to all aspects of life - even in sickness and death.

Our partner organisations, Geneva Push and Reach Australia have put together a set of resources for churches as they respond to Covid-19. You can find them here:

Geneva Push

Reach Australia

The resources are the same on both sites.

FIEC is pleased to announce the appointment of its new National Director - Al Stewart


Apart from being a faithful and godly man of deep Christian character, who together with his wife Kathy, has a deep longing to win our country for Christ, he also comes to us with a wealth of experience and knowledge. He has led churches of various sizes, within a wide range of socio-economic contexts. He has led large ministry organisations - Youthworks, and Katoomba Christian Conventions. He is a gifted preacher, being sought after both here and overseas. We are thrilled that Al has been willing to accept our offer and we look forward to him beginning formally in the role from March 23.

Giving thanks for the ministry of our the inaugural FIEC National Director, Dave McDonald


Dave McDonald, the first FIEC National Director, announced in December that he would be resigning from the role for personal reasons.

FIEC thanks God for the ministry Dave has exercised as National Director over the last three years. His impact has been profound in the lives of our Pastors and others. He has been a role model as a follower of Jesus. His wisdom and insights on ministry, preaching, evangelism and more, have all been greatly appreciated. He will be missed in that role.

FIEC is hopeful that Dave can continue his involvement with the fellowship in another capacity into the future.