A new church plant for Glenorchy, Tasmania


FIEC is supporting Marty and Louise Hughes as they plant a church in Glenorchy, Tasmania. Listen to Marty talk about the plant and the hopes they have for the area that is needy for gospel witness.

City North on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CityNorthGlenorchy/

Please pray for Marty and Louise as they plant City North in Glenorchy. If you are interested in getting behind this gospel initiative, then click the ‘Church Starter’ button below and support City North Church as it reaches Glenorchy for Christ.


A new church plant for Coffs Harbour, NSW


FIEC is supporting the planting of a new church in Coffs Harbour on the NSW north coast. Tim Baldwin talks about the church, the challenges of planting during lockdown and news of a transformed life.

You can find more information about Anchor Church on their website: https://www.anchorchurchcoffs.com/ or on their social media feeds:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnchorChurchCoffs/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/anchorchurchcoffs/

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGXd0vPf5LEA6S8DyxBCDMw

You can support Anchor Church here


Welcome to the fellowship - Cross & Crown, Gold Coast and Risen Church, Brisbane

FIEC’s newest churches are Cross & Crown at Elanora on the Gold Coast with Alan Radloff heading up the leadership team and Risen Church in Salisbury, Brisbane. Both are recent church plants that are seeking to reach their communities for Christ.