Jeremiah / Murray Capill

Talk 2: The Apostate Church

Jeremiah 2:1 - 6:30


Four steps to apostasy


1. Let your love for God grow cold


The honeymoon - 2:1-3


The divorce - 3:1-5


The charges - 2:20, 23-24, 32


The failing - 2:6-8


2. Trade confidence in God for lame substitutes


Two evils - 2:11-13


Empty cisterns then and now


3. Resist God’s call to repent


A call to the north - 3:6-8


True repentance - 3:22-25


The repenting church



4. Make light of the judgement to come


Preaching judgement


The heart of God and the desire of the hearers


Jesus and judgement


But… 3:12, 4:27, 5:10, 18, 6:16