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Come and be refreshed, encouraged and challenged by God’s word, sing praises to our great God, and hear stories of what God is doing through FIEC churches across Australia as we gather as a fellowship of churches who are working together to see hearts transformed by Jesus as we reach our nation with his gospel of grace.

We'll hear about new church plants, spend time praying together for our nation, communities, churches, families and ourselves, enjoy chatting over meals with old friends and new ones.

The FIEC 2024 National Conference is for anyone from FIEC churches - pastors, spouses, elders, leaders, staff, volunteers - everyone will benefit from joining us at Stanwell Tops this September.

Watch Tim Flint (Wagga Evangelical Church) and Steven Tran (SLE Church) talk about why they come to the conference each year.


Registration to stay on-site is now full.
You are welcome to register and stay off-site in accommodation that you organise.
Please email if you have any questions.

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For 2024, our main speaker will be Gary Millar from the Queensland Theological College in Brisbane. Gary will teach us from 1 Thessalonians, highlighting the idea of the faithfulness of God that runs through the letter.


Click here (or the banner above) for information about our conference workshops

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The 2024 FIEC National Conference will take place at The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops, NSW, about 1 hour south of the Sydney CBD.

The Tops is easily accessible by car or train from Sydney Airport. If you are arriving by train, we can arrange for you to be picked up from Helensburgh Train Station.

The conference is residential and includes accommodation and all meals.

You are welcome to look at options for staying offsite, though for 2024 we have the whole of The Tops site, so there is ample space for everyone to fit comfortably.

Registration to stay on-site is now full.
You are welcome to register and stay off-site in accommodation that you organise.
Please email if you have any questions.


Your kids are very welcome to join us at the conference. We will be running a program for them (from 6 months to 11 years) during the morning sessions to allow parents to listen and engage without distraction.

We know the value for couples being able to attend the conference together, so to make it easier for couples with kids to afford to come, there is no cost to bring them.


Got questions about the conference?

  • If you are coming from WA or TAS, or just finding it hard to cover the cost of the conference, then please email us at to discuss what discounts might be available to you.

  • The Tops Conference Centre will cater for all dietary requirements. Just give us as much information as you think is helpful and we will pass it on to the kitchen.

    You are welcome to bring your own milk and /or bread and store them in the fridge in the Waratah Meeting room.

    Please email with any questions or special requests.

  • The nature of The Tops Conference Centre means that if you are a single person coming to the conference that you will be sharing a room with a few other. A great way of getting to know them!

    You can ask to share with your friends or co-workers when you register. We can’t promise that will happen, but we will try our best.

    Couples have a room to themselves.

  • Yes, definitely. When you register, just choose the part time option and register for however long you are able to join us for.

  • Unfortunately, the site can’t accommodate you staying in your own caravan. You are welcome to find a caravan site in a local caravan park and stay there and then join us for the conference. You can eat with us as well. Just choose full-time but staying offsite.

  • We realise that COVID is an ongoing issue and that some people who have registered for the conference will end up not being able to attend because of it. If this happens we will give you a full refund.

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