TUESDAY 4.30pm
The Creating Community workshop will cover topics such as identifying and correcting the drifts away from being a biblical community that small churches face, helping a congregation embrace changes in relationships as they grow and in order to grow, empowering members to create this community, and practical steps to welcome and integrate new people.
The workshop will be interactive, with opportunities for discussion and Q&A. Josh and Sarah will share practical insights, strategies, and real-life examples from Laneway Church and Australian church leaders. Attendees will leave with practical tools and ideas to help build a loving and welcoming Christ-centered community in their own small church or church plant.
Designed for pastors, church leaders, and laypeople who are looking to build a strong sense of community in their small church or church plant.
Josh & Sarah Allen planted Laneway Church in Footscray in 2015 and have seen the church grow and mature over the years since then.